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LeadingAge Ohio All-Member Call: Today at 11:30AM

LeadingAge Ohio All-Member Call:
Today at 11:30AM

The next LeadingAge Ohio All-Member Call will take place today at 11:30AM. Please plan to join the LeadingAge Ohio advocacy team to discuss the “new lame duck”, as Ohio policymakers sprint from one deadline to the next. An infusion of ARPA investment, coupled with a chaotic redistricting process has created intense periods of policymaking, and aging services continue to be in focus as providers struggle to emerge from the pandemic. Find out what initiatives the legislature advanced and which it delayed, including when to expect HCBS ARPA funding, the latest on PACE expansion, work to offset workforce expenses of nursing facilities, and a new solution for hospice transportation. Members will also hear the latest on Ohio’s nurse aide training rules and Ohio’s new home care license, as well as how they can use campaign season to connect with legislators.  

The call is free to members but registration in advance is required. To have your question answered on the call, email it to

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